Well, it is hard to believe that I don't manage to find time to update our blog any more frequently than I do. Wish I had a good excuse, but I really don't. But let's catch up any way.

We had a great time in Tenacatita - even if we did manage to flip the dinghy. Thankfully the only permanent damage was to our egos..... Between kid boats, good snorkeling, spear fishing, the jungle tour and La Manzanilla with its smart crocodiles we had a great time. Before we knew it, it. was time to leave for Barra De Navidad/Melaque to meet up with Dennis' sister Corinne and her husband Larry. The calmest anchorage is in the Lagoon at Barra De Navidad, so that is where we parked. It's a crazy little anchorage - very shallow with not much room to err. We had waypoints to put into our navigation software, so that helped. The day we arrived the ocean swell was quite high and it was pretty trippy surfing the waves into the channel. We made it to the fuel dock - we had to use our jerry jug spares to get us from Tenacatita- and into the anchorage without mishap. Pretty disconcerting to park the 6'2" draft boat in less than 9' of water!!! (picture above of Barra Lagoon, below right Corinne, Carol & Larry)

Corinne and Larry came in on January 28th. We met them at the airport, cuz gee, that's an exciting thing for us these days. We took them out sailing the next day - guess they won't be joining us for any long crossings....they were troopers about it, but both of them had trouble with the motion. We came back into the bay and anchored for the afternoon in Melaque. Dennis, in true brotherly form, took them out to learn to snorkel. You would think that he would be past the whole torturing his sister thing, but I guess not. I'm thinking that by the time they gave up and came to the bar on the beach it was way past "miller time".
Fortunately in Mexico the sun is always over the yard arm, the beer is cheap and the Margaritas are yummy!!
Larry's brother and his wife joined the party on Saturday - it was nice to reconnect with them (they live in Mexico City). Sunday we all piled into Casey's car and headed back to La Manzanilla to see the smart crocodiles. It really is amazing how well trained these big guys are. You may note in the picture that they know to stay away from the yellow caution tape that bars their exit onto the beach. I bet Florida wishes they knew how to train their crocodiles to stay behind the tape!! They must have one or two that haven't learned to read yet, because there are signs at the beach restaurants close by warning you to keep your pets on a leash for their safety.....
The visit ended all too soon, they left here on February 2nd in the rain, and arrived home to snow. We hope that they will come visit us again next season.

Don't know if I have mentioned it before, but it is not supposed to rain here in the winter. Doesn't seem to be following the rules this winter. The night before Corinne and Larry left it rained like crazy, so when we returned to the boat the next day it was sopping wet. To add to my dismay, at some point we managed to acquire a mouse. Pickky little bugger too. I think it tried a little of everything it could chew into. Finally deciding he liked juice, pita chips and ritz crackers. We searched high and low in Barra for a real mouse trap, but only came up with the sticky kind. I'm pretty sure I heard little mouse laughing as he ran across those. (picture left is Josh with the monkey at The Sands Hotel searching for the banana in my pack)
We left Barra de Navidad for Manzanillo with our stowaway on board. What a mess! In Manzanillo we finally found real mouse traps, and the bartender at the Las Hades resort gave us some poison. Between the traps and poison, we are hungry mouse less - I hope I don't come across his desicated body in the future. Met up with kid boats in Manzanillo, so stayed there a little longer than planned. We also got to spend some time with Jim & Diana from gate 11. s/v Black Dragon showed up from Zihuatenejo as well, so Josh really got a kid fix! FYI the Las Hades resort area is where they film the movie "10" with Bo Derek. Very pretty, sort of mediterranean looking.
Finally we had to leave so we would make it to Zihuatenejo in time to meet Sue and Anna (friends from Tracy). We had a pretty good trip, the last 8 hours into Z town were pretty wild 20-25knots steady wtih on and off rain (did I mention it doesn't rain here in the winter?). Zihuatenejo is a pretty town - easy to be in. There is someone on the beach to help you land your dinghy for about 80 cents to a dollar, and the port captain is right there. Sue and Anna made it in with no problems. Had another great visit. Very relaxing. Josh taught Anna to drive the dinghy. He also pulled her behind the dinghy on the tube until I thought her arms might fall off. We spent a day at an all-inclusive resort and another day on the beach. Josh and Anna went parasailing too. Another visit that ended all too soon. We didn't linger in Zihuatenejo after they left. Basically provisioned and left.
(Above - Anna Parasailing, right - Sue relaxing, below Josh parasailing - self portrait.)
Arrived back in Barra lagoon on Monday and here we are......all caught up.